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Distribute the workload and activities

Initially, you may be able to manage and direct most of your business activities yourself, but there will

come a time when you will need to hire people to help you. To do this, you need to define recurring

activities, calculate times, and define roles that will be in charge of these tasks.

The processes you created will be of great help in defining and distributing workload. The growth of

your project will define the hands needed to keep it running.

Formally launching your business

With all the above steps in place, even a whatsapp number list little earlier, you can launch your

business and adapt the things that didn’t go so well. Remember that you will have an adaptation time

and a learning curve, but that everything can be perfected over time.

Always be very analytical and observant and identify your areas of improvement to avoid mistakes

that lead your business to failure.

By now you can start talking about advertising campaigns on search engines like Google or social

media as part of your launch.

Expand your business

If you didn’t initially create your website how can i promote my e-shop effectively? because your sales

volume didn’t require it, there will come a time when you will need it, not only to sell more, but to give

greater presence to your brand and for people to trust your brand.

Another option for expansion is to open a physical showroom or reach more cities, the limit is set by


Main requirements and procedures to start a digital business in Mexico


Register company name

As we mentioned at the beginning south africa numbers of this post, this is an essential procedure to

start a business (physical or digital). In short, you must process an application to obtain your name or

corporate name before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

If there is no company registered with the name you want to use, you can use it and proceed with the

following procedures.

Articles of Incorporation

This document describes all the corporate characteristics, such as who the partners are and who is

authorized to carry out procedures, the tax address, corporate name, the company’s line of business,


Registration with the SAT to generate RFC

It is inevitable that a company registers with the Tax Administration Secretariat (SAT) because it is an

obligation of any legal entity. By completing this procedure, they give you an RFC and tax ID to be

able to invoice and verify expenses, as well as pay taxes. Make your appointment .

Trademark registration

Many people confuse registering a company name with registering a trademark. They are different

things and both are very important. If you do not complete the trademark registration

application process , you run the risk of someone registering it and stealing your concept without you

being able to do anything about it.

This procedure is done at the IMPI and here you must register the domain of your website or online

store, logo, slogan, brand identity, etc.

These are the procedures required for digital businesses, but there are some additional ones for

businesses with commercial premises or those that involve the sale of food and alcohol.

As you can see, starting a digital business is not that easy, but it is not impossible either. Starting a

business requires order, organization, a lot of research and decision making based on analysis.

Take advantage of technological tools to accelerate or boost your business. If you have reached this

point in the article, we are sure that nothing will stop you in your venture.

This content was created by Esteffanía Rivera, Content Strategist at Tiendanube .

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