Home » Article » Spain is an emerging country in e-commerce so don’t miss this opportunity to launch yourself

Spain is an emerging country in e-commerce so don’t miss this opportunity to launch yourself

Spain is an emerging  Do you know the German Samwer brothers? Don’t worry because in Spain they are still very little known. They are probably the most hated brothers in a significant part of the estapil community in the United States: Electronic Commerce in SpainPhoto rights to Fotolia Its business model consists of copying successful start-ups from across the pond and building empires in Europe from Germany.

The origins of the Samwer brothers in Germany until they set Spain is an emerging

Spain is an emerging  The origins of the Samwer brothers in Germany until they set industry email list up Rocket Internet In 1999 they created their first clone. Alando was an Ebay copycat that 6 months after its launch was acquired for 43 million euros by the same company. They set up another one and in 2004 they sold Jamba for $270 million to Verisign . Starting in 2006, they began to invest in start-ups such as Bigpoint, StudiVZ (German Facebook), Wimdu (German Airbnb), MyVideo (YouTube clone) and many more.

Spain and e-commerce: a challenge and a brutal opportunity to launch yourself

Spain and e-commerce: a challenge and a brutal opportunity Saudi Phone Numberc When the Samwer brothers talk about emerging countries, they are not referring to Spain. You can watch a Quondos video on Alex’s blog where he talks about the topic in detail, including an in-depth analysis of the stores at the SEO level.

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