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Email marketing: what to expect for 2024?

The year begins and predictions about the survival or not of email marketing become a topic of discussion among professionals. Knowing the direction of this action makes everyone better prepared to make the best decisions that result in sales for companies.

Our topic here is email marketing. Many people have killed and resurrected this sales tool, but the truth is that it is still going strong and cannot be left out of the marketing strategies that will be developed throughout the year.

Why is email marketing still important?

With each new tool that emerges, there are middle east mobile number list that the current ones will lose strength. This was the case when radio reigned supreme and television emerged, for example. When instant messaging gained ground in the relationship between companies and customers, people thought that email marketing would be coming to an end. But that was not the case.

The emergence of a new tool is an opportunity to add to and improve what already exists. This is what happens with email marketing. It may have lost its hegemony, but it knows how to reinvent itself and surprise users, while maintaining its capacity to inform, engage and convert.

What are the email marketing trends for 2024?

If you want to include or maintain email saudi phone number  on your list of strategies for 2024 and know how to innovate, check out some trends that we have separated here:

Focus on customization

The so-called hyper-personalization will burkina faso business directory to be successful. After all, it is increasingly clear that consumers want to , treated as someone special, and not become just another one in the crowd.

Therefore, understanding the behaviors and interests of users, leads, and consumers in depth will help your brand create more assertive and engaging marketing emails. To do this, you will need to invest in good data tools and closely monitor consumer behavior and journeys to develop the best content.

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