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Form Create a New Repository Figure

project that you will create. The first option with the installation of the “ Readme ” file. Readme is always available in each repository to provide a brief/ detailed explanation , how to use it, and so on. If you want it to be created automatically by GitHub, check the button. If you feel it is appropriate, please continue to the next section by pressing the ” Create repository ” button. #Step Five – Create a New File After the repository page appears , you can start creating a new file using the ” create a new file ” link . You can fill in the file name with the file type code such as PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and others. Next there are two tables, namely a typing sheet for writing code and a preview of the code that has been typed.

Don’t forget to always fill in both

commit name and description columns to find out what changes have been made. You can see recorded files in the history or commit menu. #Step Six – Socialize Explore Repository Figure 6. Explore Repository Finally, you can explore all posts on the feed page that has been managed by GitHub. Of course according to your interests. Here you can like , comment, get to know each other and whatsapp database discuss certain algorithms, for example. Of course, you can also post everything publicly . Not only that, if you are bored with the explore menu provided by GitHub, then you can read the blog on GitHub. There are other features provided by GitHub for you to discover for yourself. As for the terms on GitHub that are commonly used, you can see these terms in the following table. No Terms (Words) Information 1 Repo/Repository A project’s folder. 2 Commit.

Recording snapshot of the repository

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Hash Unique identifier for a commit (consisting of long numbers and letters). 4 Checkout Moving on to a particular change. 5 Branch Branch of a change. 6 Merge Merging two or more branches. 7 Remote Resources that have a repository. 8 Clones Retrieving the repository from the Saudi Phone Number remote . 9 Push Sending commits to the repository. 10 Pull Fetching commits from the repository. Conclusion From the explanation above, it can be concluded that GitHub is a platform specifically for developers that provides services in the form of project management to collaboration in creating software via the cloud . The feed on GitHub also has very complete features so that it can make users comfortable when surfing.

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