This is a study technique that has been used since the 1960s and its main objective is not only to memorize the topics to be studied, but to actively work in order to understand the concepts and have the ability to analyze them.
But in addition to helping you study better, conceptual maps are also used as a creative tool that could help you in the production of content , the development of a product, its commercial management, and much more.
Creating a conceptual map is simple, but you must take into account some aspects. That is why today I want to talk to you about five steps that you must follow to achieve it without difficulty.
How to make a creative and efficient conceptual map?
To create a conceptual map that is effective, dynamic usa telegram data and intuitive, it is important to take into account some basic elements.
1. Select the topic
The first thing you need to do is choose the what are firefox container tabs and how to use them topic you want to create your conceptual map on. To do this, it would be worth asking yourself what approach you want to take, so that you can filter information and choose keywords that are of interest.
At this point you could create a list. This will help you separate main ideas from secondary ideas, or better prioritize the content you are going to develop throughout your map.
2. Gather all the necessary information
The process of research and data collection cn numbers is essential. Everything you can read is important so that you can define the key concepts that you will use in your conceptual map.
Keep in mind that by doing this research exercise you are already acquiring knowledge that will be useful to you.
Use all the necessary tools, consult books and rely on internet search engines to find accurate and specific information. Even if it is a personal project, to generate content or advertising campaigns , this second step is extremely valuable.
3. Process the information and filter only what is necessary
Once you have gathered all the data you need to develop your topic, then it is time to narrow down a few things and prioritize what is really important and will add value to your work.
For example, if the topic you chose is about how to take care of your dental health, then you should select as a general idea something that is directly related to the health of your mouth.
The next step would be to list some practices that could help you improve, and then move from the most basic to the most specific.
Once you have managed to process all the data collected, you can put your synthesis skills to use, keeping the most essential parts of your research. This is the time to brainstorm and give shape to all this information.
4. Order and connect the concepts
At this point, having completed the previous steps, you can begin to establish the connections between each of the concepts you left on your list.
You should know that, even having made your hierarchical filter, it is possible that some concepts will not end up within your conceptual map.
The first box you need to fill in is the title box. This should certainly be the most important concept, and once you have it, you can start connecting, according to your hierarchy list, the most important concepts and the relationship between each of them.
5. Review and refine details
Once you’ve finished creating your map, it’s worth doing one last review step to fine-tune the details.
Remember that the concepts you have chosen to portray are presented in a way that you yourself can understand the map. However, that does not mean that others will always be able to understand it.
In this case, ask an acquaintance to review the map, tell you what they think, whether they understand it or not, and what adjustments you can make so that the content clearly communicates the most important details of the topic you have chosen.
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What programs exist to make a conceptual map?
To create conceptual maps you can also use technological tools . This technique, which used to be very pencil and paper-based, now also has digital applications that will help you manage everything faster and in a more aesthetic way.
Let’s look at some of the ones that already exist and that you can easily download on both computers and mobile devices.
It is a fairly automated program that receives the information you provide, selects a pre-designed template, and automatically creates the diagram you chose.
It is a very simple format to work with and is even compatible with other digital tools such as Office, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
It is a very easy-to-use program, it has a gallery of templates to use and also offers you some examples that you could review to help improve your ideas.
If you are working as a team, the particularity is that other people can participate in creating the content at the same time.