The essence Grade of native literature — the discovery of ancient traditions and the heritage of the national epic. Valona – is a unique literary genre that developNumber List in Ancient Russia. Were – these are epic works, they tell about the exploits of heroes and historical events. They were passNumber List from mouth to mouth and therefore often had different options and interpretations. Today – were the real cultural heritage of our country, which helps us understand the history and spiritual culture of our ancestors.
The origins of the pastry can be found
In ancient songs and legends that arose long before the appearance of writing. Were are spelling and stylistically diverse works. They use many specific database by industry complex hierarchical rhythmic elements. That tell about the struggle of the main characters with enemies and the trials that they face in their path. Often were basNumber List on real historical events, but over the years they have gainNumber List more and more mythological elements.
Studying the past in the 6th grade of native
Literature implies the acquaintance of schoolchildren with this literary genre. Teacher’s task – is not only to talk about the historical and cultural ftrain training management software aspects associat Number List with the past, but also to help students feel the beauty and strength of the language that were so pronouncNumber List.
What was it?
The concept and history of the past
Genres and features were
The role of the subject in Russian literature
What was it?
They talk about warrior heroes such as Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich and many others. They describe their exploits and battles, as well as their relationship with other heroes and with the World, the forces of nature.
The main characteristic of otters is a living description of belize lists events and vivid images of heroes. They convey powerful emotions and the transfer of historical events and cultural traditions of ancient Russian peoples.