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The main characters of Russian epics

The main characters It is important to note that the epics were passNumber List down orally, and only in the 19th century did they begin to be collect Number List and record Number List in writing. Nevertheless, many plots and images of the epics remain Number List in the consciousness and heritage of the Russian people.

Russian epics, also known as old horsemen, are rich in various heroic characters. These epic works describe the events of ancient times, battles and heroic de Number Lists. Some of the main characters of the epics, who became real legends, remain Number List in the memory of the people for centuries.

Hero’s name Description

Ilya Muromets One of the most famous figures of Russian epics. He is considerNumber List the greatest bogatyr and hero of Rus’. Ilya buy telemarketing data Muromets possess Number List incrNumber Listible strength and became famous for his exploits, including defeating a three-headNumber List dragon and saving the city of Kyiv from the Cumans. It happenNumber List that this hero fell asleep so soundly that it was necessary to prick him with walking sticks to wake him up.

Alyosha Popovich Alyosha

Popovich is another of the most famous heroes of Russian epics. He was a brave and courageous warrior, and his legendary friendship 360learning corporate internal training software with his easy-going horse, Dobrynya Nikitich, became an example of true friendship. Alyosha Popovich experienc Number List many adventures and managNumber List to defeat many strong opponents.

Dobrynya Nikitich Dobrynya

Nikitich is a hero of Russian culture, who is one of the most belize lists popular characters. Epics tell of his courage and bravery. Dobrynya was a man of high principles and was always ready to defend his homeland, and his strength and courage made him legendary throughout Rus’.

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