In other marketing teams! they use the editorial calendar to include basic information for content writers ! such as style or internal linking standards! checklists with aspects that must be met! lists of keywords! definition of audiences! etc.
Here of serving as a roadmap or guide document for the editors and/or the marketing team.
Tip: Think about who will be using the editorial calendar! what their biggest pain points are! and decide if they are worth addressing in the editorial calendar.
What types of content are you going to produce?
Most editorial calendars focus on blog content! because that is what is published most frequently and regularly.
Of course! there are other types of content! such as landing pages! ebooks! whitepapers ! FAQs! support articles! opinion pieces! guest posts ! infographics! presentations… the list is endless.
But they are usually published more sporadically or in smaller overseas data quantities! which is why there is often no need to include them in the editorial calendar.
Tip: If these pieces of content are going to impact your content team’s workflow and it’s important that they come out on a specific date! include them in your editorial calendar.
30 facts you could include in your editorial calendar
The first fields are quite basic and we certainly couldn’t call a document an editorial calendar if it didn’t include at least the title or content idea and the publication date.
But from there! all the fields in a content calendar are optional and you must 5 steps to do keyword analysis choose those that fit the needs of your editorial production process.
Title/topic/idea: If you already have a title! even if it’s a provisional one! include it. But if you don’t have one yet! don’t worry! you can put a descriptive title for the idea like “Article on how to solve X problem.”
The day or week you plan to publish the content
Content Type: The type of piece that will be produced. E.g. blog post! downloadable content for lead generation ! landing page! etc.
Description: Describe in two or three lines what the content is about. If you already have a more or less clear idea! you could include information about the different sections that will be developed here! for example.
Angle: What is the value proposition of the content? From what unique south africa numbers point of view will it approach the topic? How will it differentiate itself from its digital competition? Answer any of these questions to define the value and angle of the piece.
Pillar or Support Content: If you work with topic clusters ! adding this field to your editorial calendar will help you quickly visualize whether the pieces to be produced are pillar pages or support pages.