the efficiency So our current technical director once mov from the programmers department to the service engineers department, and in a month he seriously increas the efficiency of this department by simply automating the work. For example, from planning deliveries in Excel in the form of alphabetically sort lists, we mov to planning by geographic location, when we took clients in one area and deliver disks to everyone.
There were 50 service engineers the efficiency
For whom a personal account written with geography, distribution of orders, reports. The department’s profitability increas asia mobile number list 3 times. It is clear that this example is outdat in terms of the content of the task, but now such “cross-pollination” allows you to see what can be improv. This method works well when the company is large. When working remotely, this practice can also be appli.
Fully remote employees and those
Who work in a the efficiency hybrid format or mainly from the office, then it depends a lot on the person. For programmers, in my opinion, working in the office is more efficient than working from home. When a programmer sits at home, he can’t do something, so he sits and does this task, slaving over it. Perhaps inspiration has come, and he works on the task that “went” for him, from morning till night. However, he still has 43 urgent tasks that ne to done right now.
There are the efficiency people the use of multiple channels efficiency who work well at night. For example, our system administrator. When he nes to do some complex task, he does it much better from home, because agb directory in the office he starts to get distract, switch. At home, his work tools are conveniently set up.ce a week, but this information is not enough for me to understand who is doing what now, what our results and forecasts are.