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Why Multitasking Is Your Biggest Enemy?

Have you ever seen a juggler in a circus who has all the balls in the air at the same time, checks his email at the same time, replies to messages from friends on social media, and maybe even drinks coffee at the same time? I don’t think so!

In today’s world, overloaded not only with information but also with possibilities, many of us feel pain and frustration resulting from the fact that we take on more and more responsibilities. Even worse, we do it even though no one is asking us to.

In this way, multitasking becomes a habit

So why do we still multitask? Zheng Wang, who conducts research at Ohio State, claims that this is due to habitual needs. In a situation where we often fall into multitasking, we get more and more used to it.

Have you ever seen a juggler in a circus who has all the balls in the air at the same time, checks his email at the same time, replies to messages from friends on social media, and maybe even drinks coffee at the same time?

A similar opinion is shared by Clifford Nass from Stanford University, who emphasizes that the more we use multitasking, the harder it is for us to free ourselves from it.  our efficiency.

Unfortunately, more and more people belifrom  Whatsapp Mobile Number List acceve that by doing more things at once, they will achieve their goal faster, or even several of them. Surrounded by several computer monitors, constantly chasing the time that is always missing, they fall into a trap that has already become a modern lifestyle.

Here are some proofs to bust the myth of multitasking and change your habits.

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